Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Nigella damascena
such a wonderful name in english, but in romanian: chica voinicului sau borză haha


  1. Une fleur printanière que l'on cultive pour l'agrément. Le nom en Français doit être chic.

    1. cheveux de Vénus ou « Belle-aux-cheveux-dénoués

      oh my god, how beautiful

      it seems that only romanian gives the ugliest names to flowers, as i have long suspected (in fact i am writing two articles about this issue, translating flower names in poetry)

  2. Nigella sativa (black seed, as in black seed oil) is a relative. Pretty too.

  3. ah, i should have made the connection! another name in romanian is black cumin, i learned, and it seems it can also be used to produce a kind of black seed oil.

    (do you remember my failed attempt to grow nigella sativa? :(

    but i also learned today that love in a mist does not like hot summers, so maybe it is not a wise choice...

    1. Yes, cumin. That's the stuff. It's supposed to cure all ailments known to man and beast (not known as a cure for bland flower names (popular in some languages), unfortunately).

      I tried to grow some too. Didn't like the heat, so maybe there is something in what you say (probably, or shall we say, improbably).

  4. In the middle of the mist it must be the middle of love:) they seem like little stars, as then when you are full oh joy and privilege of love:)
