Sunday, June 21, 2020


it is impossible to show this plant in all its glory, it is beyond impressive - it is almost as tall as me, each 'blossom' is lilac-blue, they seem to float above the earth... I bought one bulb, on a whim, in a supermarket, i didn't even know what plant 'Eryngium' was supposed to be, last year it had only leaves (i didn't know it was biannual then, so I was disappointed, though the leaves were very pretyy, a rosette of leaves). and this year!!! i have followed it breathlessly, trying to imagine what shape it would take, I couldn't have imagined this!
i want to try to collect the seeds, i want more of it...

(Eryngium - scai vanat)

these were already in the garden when we moved, i can't find another better word than imperial... Yucca, in flower... (behind a small walnut tree which needs to be moved, if this can be done, this autumn)

both eryngium & yucca - snail proof!


  1. ich habe an sterne gedacht. helle, leuchtende sterne am wolkenlosen himmmel. übersinnlich, blitzend von geheimen und freien gedanken... manchmal sage ich hier sicherlich eigenartige dinge, aber wenn ich bilder sehe, die mich inspirieren, möchte ich einfach das aufschreiben, was mir spontan einfällt, was für mich auch immer interessant ist. und ja, dein "garden" ist ein helles schönes blog und du hast recht. deine bridge hat eine andere ausstrahlung gehabt, sie war eine welt, in die ich mich nicht immer einfinden konnte. aber dein garden-blog ist nicht einfach ein gartenblog, sondern ein poetisch strahlendes blog... sehr berührend und freude spendend... :-). liebste grüsse! renée

    1. "poetisch strahlendes blog", ich mag das :-) und ich bin sehr froh, dass du hier so viel inspiration findest, meine Liebe! ich mag deine eigenartigen gedanken :-)

  2. Eryngium means 'admiration' in flower-speak. It reminds me a bit of Milk Thistle (which is good for the liver). It's also called Sea Holly, as it is a coastal plant. Your yucca is stunning.

    1. really, admiration? i hadn't known that (but it is no wonder, since i hadn't known this plant until now)... i _must_ succeed at propagating it somehow! (Sea Holly, and no water here, most likely a desert, in 50 years)...
