Sunday, July 5, 2020

when rain hits

the fourth type of lilies opened today! the bulbs are a gift from my father, he got them at the market, they were supposed to be the common garden lily (which i love, though smaller, but very fragrant) - instead they turned out to be imperial as well! 

and while i was pondering how pure their white was, gleaming-sparkling, an unexpected rain started to pour down - i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw them afterwards, half yellow! Kiki even thought they were supposed to be like this! :-)


  1. Stunning!
    (but tell CW to watch out for the pollen it will stain clothes)

  2. si eu am crezut asemantor lui Kiki:)au crinii acest fel de a ne uimi, prin toate trucurile posibile, nu, ca si cand niciodata nu ai putea sti totul despre nimic:)_
    daca incerc sa imi imaginez mireasma, cred ca o sa lesin:)

    1. haha, chiar ai crezut? :-) toti crinii pe care i-am luat sunt parfumati, in afara de cei cu acea culoare bordeaux incredibila, dar pentru culoarea aceea merita sa renunti la parfum... vreau sa-mi iau multi crini, sa umplu gradina sub vita de ei :-)
