Sunday, July 5, 2020

deep summer

buddleja (summer lilac) & solidago canadensis (canadian goldenrod)
both found here, already in the garden


  1. Good ol' goldenrod. It's mostly considered a weed here as it grows wild everywhere, and a lot of people are allergic to its pollen. It's actually somewhat pretty though.

    1. i actually removed it last summer from the front garden and tried to move it into the back, wild, snail-overriden garden, as snails don't touch it, of course! but it failed to establish itself, the wild grass and weeds are too powerful.
      and this summer i discovered some of it reappeared at the original place, and i must say now i find them pretty too, i will try to save seeds and experiments with them in the back again, maybe i have better luck this time.

      and they go well with the summer lilac!

  2. What is a Canadian doing in Moldova?

    1. hehe

      it was already here, canadians seem to have a special relationship to this garden, it would seem !

  3. deep, yeah:)
    cum au stat acolo, ani in sir_ ca o vara care nu se termina niciodata, doar se intrerupe:)
    cele galbene imi amintesc de sanziene, unele dintre florile atat de iubite de mine:) cele violet sunt o pletora a miniaturalului ingemanat in structuri aproape imposibil de urmarit pana la capat:)
    si reppiratia lor, atat de fierbinte_

    1. sanziene! eliade! cartea necitita :-)
      dar tot timpul am visat la numele asta, stii ca am avut o colega de liceu Sanziana (blonda, dar rece, nemtoaica, nu i se potrivea). si trebuie sa spun ca eu nu am vazut sanziene niciodata :-)
